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21 Tweets About Only Children That Are All Too Real

Plenty of people (with siblings) assume that only children bask in the unlimited attention of their parents, enjoying the lion’s share of the family’s resources and learning to exist in a peaceful, solitary state.
While some of these assumptions aren’t entirely wrong, being an only child may also involve imaginary friends, overattentive parents and no one else to take the fall when there’s trouble. The following only children, and parents of only children, have taken to X (formerly Twitter) to share some of some of the funniest consequences about growing up without siblings.
I thought the benefit of having an only child is that we wouldn’t spend our time breaking up fights. Reader, our child has made up an imaginary sister. She’s playing both parts, and they’re fighting.
Overly independent only child that doesn’t know how to ask for help make some noiseeee
I’m an only childOf course I’m my friends’ most favorite personOf course i get the princess treatment from them too
How you can tell a writer has no siblings:“Hey, little bro / little sis.“How you can tell a writer has siblings:“Hey, loser. Mom called.”
a terrible only child habit i still have is following my mama around the house for no reason 💀 like why you get up from the couch??? where are you going????
my youngest lamented not being an only child and i convinced her if she was she would be begging for a younger sibling so now she’s doing just thatmajor parenting misfire
My husband is doing an hour long Zoom with his siblings for Mother’s Day and I’m hiding in my closet for some only child time.
When my only child was younger, he used to claim he had a big brother named Kevin. He’d talk about him, tell people about him, and tell us Kevin said so.We haven’t heard of Kevin in years, but I often wonder, how is Kevin doing?
Of course I’m a brat , think the world revolves around me & it’s my way or no way I’m the only child duh 🙄😅😂🤣
Home Alone except it’s my only child we leave behind and it’s not an accident.
4 yelled “someone come get their mother!” to me but jokes on her. She’s an only child.
Being an only child means a phone call atleast once a day. Today my momma called me to tell me she made her own pickles from scratch 😂
Being an only child was great, except for all the times I kicked the soccer ball in my house and it didn’t come back
I was an only child to two hard working immigrant parents so, I called selfies “pho-tos”
since i am an only child and always wanted a brother or sister, i am currently taking applications for a sibling. must be nice, but not too nice and also a jerk.
You know what one of the hardest things about being an only child is? My parents have NO IDEA how much harder it is to have more than one child. That’s not their experience.
I’m an only child. My husband – the oldest of three – is constantly trying to rock, paper, scissors me. I stare at him blankly.
only child, latch key kid, gifted kid burn out… i was set up for self esteem issues from the start
Therapist: You feel your dad loved the other kids but not you?Me: Yes.Therapist: How many siblings do you have?Me: l’m an only child.
CSI: ParentingLiving Room 9:28am:My sick only child still refuses to admit it’s his snot on the arm of the couch
sometimes i say or do things and all i can think is “wow u really are an only child”
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